Everything you need to stay safe and secure

Bankline Security Centre

Dual Authorisation

Dual Authorisation makes life much harder for fraudsters because they'd need to compromise multiple user profiles to succeed. With this setting turned on, two individual Bankline users need to authorise a payment instruction using their Bankline smartcards.

Common questions

Do you want to report a fraud or cyber crime?

  • Contact us on 0818 210 260 (24 hours, 7 days a week), from outside of Ireland call +353 1804 7475.
  • If you're concerned about your Bankline security or think fraudulent activity has taken place, please call the Bankline helpline on 0818 211 609 Option 2 to report Fraud ( Open 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday). Outside these hours, please contact Commercial Fraud Operations on +44 126 850 2401

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