Helping you respond to International tax legislation
Tax Advice
We recommend you contact a professional and independent tax advisor to discuss your personal tax situation, to help you understand the international regulations and ensure you comply with them. We can’t help you decide your tax status or guide you with filling in forms, as Ulster Bank does not offer tax advice, we can however offer guidance on the terms in the forms.
Helpful Documents
We’ve gathered some documents you might find helpful. You can look at them here or download them to read when it’s convenient.
Tax identification numbers (TINs) (PDF, 16KB)
An overview of the use and validity of
Tax Identification Numbers (TINs) and their
functional equivalents
Tax Authority Finder (useful links) (PDF, 16KB)
A useful list of tax jurisidictions to
help you find the relevant authority website.
Identification and Residency Documents (PDF, 16KB)
A handy list of documents we accept to
confirm your identity and tax residency
Tax Status Declaration Form – Individual (PDF, 35KB)
A simple form to help you tell us about your
tax status.
Tax Status Declaration Form - Individual - Guidance Notes (PDF, 27KB)
An easy-to-understand guide to filling in the
'Tax Status Declaration Form - Individual' on
this page
A helpful list of some of the terms we use,
with explanations
Tax Status Declaration Form - Entity (PDF, 49KB)
A simple form to help you tell us about the
tax status of your entity
Tax Status Declaration Form - Entity - Guidance Notes (PDF, 58KB)
An easy-to-understand guide to filling in the
'Tax Status Declaration Form - Entity' on this
A helpful list of some of the terms we use,
with explanations
CRS Active Decision Tree (PDF, 205KB)
An easy-to-understand guide to help you
classify your entity as an Active or a
Passive NFE
CRS Active Decision Tree - Glossary (PDF, 31KB)
An easy-to-understand guide to help you
classify your entity as an Active or a
Passive NFE
FATCA Active Decision Tree (PDF, 41KB)
An easy-to-understand guide to help you
classify your entity as an Active or a
Passive NFFE
FATCA Active Decision Tree - Glossary (PDF, 41KB)
An easy-to-understand guide to help you
classify your entity as an Active or a
Passive NFFE
We are here to help, but please be aware that Ulster Bank cannot offer any tax advice. We recommend you contact a professional and independent tax adviser to discuss your personal tax situation.