Protected Disclosures Act

Under the Protected Disclosures Act and the EU Directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law, UBI DAC is required to have a Whistleblowing process which allows anyone who acquires information about wrongdoing through work related activity, to raise a concern.

Speak Up is the service that facilitates reporting. You can use the service to report concerns if you acquire the information:

  • as an employee, including as a temporary staff member, secondee, consultant, volunteer, or past employee,
  • as a contractor, sub-contractor or supplier acting on behalf of, or representing UBI DAC,
  • during the recruitment process or pre-contractual negotiations.

You can report in confidence (anonymously, if preferred) on concerns relating to employee wrongdoing or misconduct; including a suspected breach of policy or any illegal or unethical behaviour which doesn't fit with the Bank's expected standards outlined in Our Code.

UBI DAC will protect anyone raising a genuine concern, even if the concern raised is unsubstantiated (not proven) after investigation. Protections don’t apply if you raise a concern using false or misleading information. Any attempt to identify the reporter of a Speak Up concern will be investigated and may result in disciplinary action. Harassment, victimisation, or discrimination of anyone raising a genuine concern will be viewed as a disciplinary matter.

If you wish to make a Protected Disclosure please click on this link which will take you into our Speak Up Page. The systems and processes used to manage the requirements of the Speak Up Policy are provided to UBI DAC by the NatWest Group.